quotations about advertising

Advertising is prima facie evidence that the man who pays believes that advertising is good. It has brought great results to others, it must be good for him. So he takes it like some secret tonic which others have endorsed. If the business thrives, the tonic gets the credit. Otherwise, the failure is due to fate.


Scientific Advertising

Judicious advertising is the corner stone of success.


The Clothier and Furnisher, Jan. 1890

Tags: success

Advertising to the uninterested is wasted. Unfortunately, in the digital world, even though wasting advertisers' money is a concern, wasting the time of the audience is damaging the medium itself. Lack of relevance led to the attention arms race -- the cause of much of the irritation of today's ads. Advertisers went from static banners to ever more attention-grabbing formats: animations, popups, pop-unders, interstitials etc. Each of these gave a temporary lift, but the underlying irrelevance meant the lift was temporary. The end result is that consumers have been trained to ignore ads.


"Ad Blocking Is A Symptom, Not The Disease", Media Daily News, March 2, 2016

The consumer isn't a moron. She is your wife.


Confessions of an Advertising Man

We read advertisements to discover and enlarge our desires.


attributed, X-Rated: The Power of Mythic Symbolism in Popular Culture

Tags: desire

What were habitually his final meditations? Of some one sole unique advertisement to cause passers to stop in wonder, a poster novelty, with all extraneous accretions excluded, reduced to its simplest and most efficient terms not exceeding the span of casual vision and congruous with the velocity of modern life.



Tags: James Joyce

Advertising is an addiction: Once you're hooked, it's very difficult to stop. You become accustomed to putting a fixed advertising cost into your budget, and you are afraid to stop because of a baseless fear that, if you do, your flow of new customers will dry up and your previous investments in advertising will have been wasted.


Marketing Without Advertising

Tags: addiction

Advertising is the genie which is transforming America into a place of comfort, luxury and ease for millions. Advertising is the Archimedean lever that is moving the world. If things were done in another and elder age that advertising is doing now, a whole mythology would gather about it, and we should witness the birth of a young God--powerful, restless, indomitable and wise, dominating. He would flash in the sylvan glades of the want advertisements and disport himself in the sunny whiteness of the department stores' wide spaces. But what a god he would be! How beneficent, how omnipresent, how powerful!


attributed, New York Magazine, Jun. 10, 1968

Tags: William Allen White, America

Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.


The Perfect Salesman

Tags: Stephen Leacock

Although contemporary advertising is relatively young, it already has a considerable tradition. Each new ad is encountered against a background of thousands of earlier ads.


The Discourse of Advertising

Tags: tradition

I find that I am growing in the advertising business in proportion as I realize and expound the theory and practice that there is no such thing as advertising.


Annual Convention of the Associated Advertising Clubs of America

A mistake most civilians make about advertising is that they think it is a writing profession. Wrong! Even for copywriters, it is an idea profession. This is why Ivy honors grads fail and fail again at ad careers. They end up writing overthought and overwrought 27-word headline ads that make sense only to them. Stick to blogging jobs, lit majors.


"Copyranter: The one secret to all great advertising, revealed", Digiday, February 26, 2016

The very first law in advertising is to avoid the concrete promise and cultivate the delightfully vague.


attributed, How to be an Entrepreneur and Keep Your Sanity

Tags: Bill Cosby, promises

Advertising companies hire the very brightest, wittiest young people to write for them. Not one single sentence of it is worth repeating. Why? Because it wasn't meant.


If You Want to Write

Tags: writing

Advertising is no longer preoccupied with the staging of the commodity. Instead advertising is the prefiguration of the commodity's empty form.


Advertising and Cultural Politics in Global Times

I've met many an advertising professional who thought 'Half my advertising is wasted, but I don't know which half' was funny. It isn't. In this day and age, it's a disgrace, an appalling indictment of the bad habits we have all got into, that we don't know, even now, whether it's half, or a third, or a quarter -- or three quarters, for that matter. All we know for certain is that advertising is working even less efficiently for us now than it did 20 years ago.


Stop Advertising Start Branding

In many ways, mobile video advertising is a more advisable option than TV advertising. This is because on the mobile platform brands are able to identify unique users, and as such are able to offer them tailored advertising which is both relevant and timely. This identification even extends to user preferences based on their previous activity, and is far greater than for television, where brands can't establish exactly who and how many people are watching their advert at any given time. If anything, it highlights the 'con' of TV buying, which is based on loose estimations of audience figures, derived from surveying a small proportion of the population and scaling the results up to reflect the entire country.


"Why Mobile Video is the Best Route to Improved Brand Engagement", Performance In, March 4, 2016

Advertising is an environmental striptease for a world of abundance.


attributed, Subliminal Seduction

One of the hottest areas of advertising growth involves the Internet. The interactive nature of Internet marketing offers unique marketing advantages that conventional electronic media, such as radio and television, cannot replicate. Interactive advertising affords the marketer the ability to engage the consumer in a direct and personal way. Another major advantage of online advertising is the content is not limited by geography or time. In addition, the results for advertisement campaigns may be monitored in real-time. Essentially all of the leading 100 national advertisers in the United States have begun advertising on the web.


Head's Broadcasting in America: A Survey of Electronic Media

The advertisements in a newspaper are more full of knowledge in respect to what is going on in a state or community than the editorial columns are.


Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit

Tags: Henry Ward Beecher, newspapers