American journalist and author (1964- )

We are now living through the third great power shift of the modern era. It could be called "the rise of the rest." Over the past few decades, countries all over the world have been experiencing rates of economic growth that were once unthinkable. While they have had booms and busts, the overall trend has been unambiguously upward. Even the economic rupture of 2008 and 2009 could not halt or reverse this trend; in fact, the recession accelerated it. While many of the world's wealthy, industrialized economies continued to struggle with slow growth, high unemployment, and overwhelming indebtedness through 2010 and beyond, the countries that constitute "the rest" rebounded quickly.


The Post-American World: Release 2.0

The twentieth century was marked by two broad trends: the regulation of capitalism and the deregulation of democracy. Both experiments overreached.


The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad

Modern democracies will face difficult new challenges--fighting terrorism, adjusting to globalization, adapting to an aging society--and they will have to make their system work much better than it currently does. That means making democratic decision-making effective, reintegrating constitutional liberalism into the practice of democracy, rebuilding broken political institutions and civic associations. Perhaps most difficult of all, it requires that those with immense power in our societies embrace their responsibilities, lead, and set standards that are not only legal, but moral. Without this inner stuffing, democracy will become an empty shell, not simply inadequate but potentially dangerous, bringing with it the erosion of liberty, the manipulation of freedom, and the decay of a common life.


The Future of Freedom

Tags: democracy

Germany is a fascinating role model. The Germans have maintained their manufacturing edge despite being a high-tax, high-regulation economy. Why? Because the government really set about ensuring that it maintained funding for technical training, technical advancements and programs. It made a concerted effort to retain high-end, complex manufacturing -- the kind of BMW model, if you will. And they've done that so successfully that Germany, which has a quarter of America's population, exports more than America does.


interview, NPR, Jun. 30, 2011

Foreign policy commands attention when it's crisis management. A street revolt breaks out in Egypt or Libya or Kiev and everyone asks, how should the president respond? Now these are important parts of America's role in the world, but they are essentially reactive and tactical. The broader challenge is to lay down a longer-term strategy that endures after the crisis of the moment.


Fareed Zakaria GPS, Apr. 27, 2014

Legitimacy is the elixir of political power.


The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad

Tags: power

Democracy is also a single ideology, and, like all such templates, it has its limits. what works in a legislature might not work in a corporation.


The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad

ISIS is a formidable foe, but the counter forces to it have only just begun and if these forces, the Iraqi army, the Kurdish Peshmerga, American air power, the Syrian Free Army, work in a coordinated fashion, it will start losing ground. Also, please keep in mind that ISIS does not actually hold as much ground as the many maps flashed on television keep showing. Large parts of those territories that ISIS supposedly controls are vacant desert.


Fareed Zakaria GPS, Sep. 14, 2014

Islam has no religious establishment -- no popes, no bishops -- that can declare by fiat which is the correct interpretation. As a result, the decision to oppose the state on the grounds that is insufficiently Islamic belongs to anyone who wishes to exercise it.


The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad

As the United States continues its slow but steady recovery from the depths of the financial crisis, nobody actually wants a massive austerity package to shock the economy back into recession, and so the odds have always been high that the game of budgetary chicken will stop short of disaster. Looming past the cliff, however, is a deep chasm that poses a much greater challenge -- the retooling of the country's economy, society, and government necessary for the United States to perform effectively in the twenty-first century.


"Can America Be Fixed?", Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb. 2013

Foreign policy is a matter of costs and benefits, not theology.


The Post-American World

It all looks American because America, the country that invented mass capitalism and consumerism, got there first. The impact of mass capitalism is now universal.


The Post-American World

Tags: capitalism

No successful political transition can take place without leaders and movements that demand and press for freedom.


The Future of Freedom

Tags: freedom

The United States needs serious change in its fiscal, entitlement, infrastructure, immigration, and education policies, among others. And yet a polarized and often paralyzed Washington has pushed dealing with these problems off into the future, which will only make them more difficult and expensive to solve.


"Can America Be Fixed?", Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb. 2013

A nation's path to greatness lies in its economic prowess and ... militarism, empire, and aggression lead to a dead end.


The Post-American World: Release 2.0

Some have said that the clash between Catholicism and Protestantism illustrates the old maxim that religious freedom is the product of two equally pernicious fanaticisms, each cancelling the other out.


The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad

Tags: religion

It's really difficult to have your voice heard and feared when you both speak softly and carry a twig.


Fareed Zakaria GPS, Jul. 27, 2014

Generations from now, when historians write about these times, they might note that, in the early decades of the twenty-first century, the United States succeeded in its great and historic mission--it globalized the world. But along the way, they might write, it forgot to globalize itself.


The Post-American World: Release 2.0

Tags: America

In thirty years Iraq too has gone from being among the most modern and secular of Arab countries--with women working, artists thriving, journalists writing--into a squalid playpen for a megalomaniac.


The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad

Intriguingly, in poll after poll, when Americans are asked what public institutions they most respect, three bodies are always at the top of their list: the Supreme Court, the armed forces, and the Federal Reserve System. All three have one thing in common: they are insulated from the public pressures and operate undemocratically. It would seem that Americans admire these institutions, precisely because they lead rather than follow.


The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad