quotations about women

Women quote

No woman is really an insider in the institutions fathered by masculine consciousness. When we allow ourselves to believe we are, we lost touch with parts of ourselves defined as unacceptable by that consciousness; with the vital toughness and visionary strength of the angry grandmothers, the shamanesses, the fierce market-women of the Ibo's Women's War, the marriage-resisting women silkworkers of prerevolutionary China, the millions of widows, midwives, and the women healers tortured and burned as witches for three centuries in Europe.


Blood, Bread and Poetry

Tags: Adrienne Rich

Love deceives the best of womankind.


The Odyssey

Tags: Homer

Men are forever eager to press drink upon those they consider their superiors, hoping thereby to eliminate that distinction between them.... And women, when confronted by superiors, substitute for drink the crippling liquor of their sex.


Sometimes a Great Notion

Tags: Ken Kesey

We felt the imprisonment of being a girl, the way it made your mind active and dreamy, and how you ended up knowing which colors went together. We knew that the girls were our twins, that we all existed in space like animals with identical skins, and that they knew everything about us though we couldn't fathom them at all. We knew, finally, that the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them.


The Virgin Suicides

Tags: Jeffrey Eugenides

Difficult folk, these women!


The Master and Margarita

Tags: Mikhail Bulgakov

The problem with life is, by the time you can read women like a book, your library card has expired.


attributed, quotefancy

Tags: Milton Berle

Destruction often lurks in women's eyes.



Tags: Edward Counsel

Some women think they need to be overpowering in order to be powerful. This is so far from the truth. What is so great about being a women is how powerful we are quite naturally.


interview, The Romance Files, February 16, 2011

Tags: Robi Ludwig

People might not agree with me, but I think a woman should have a feminine shape, something you can get your hands on. You, on the other hand, look like you might be partial to the skinny type, a point of view I fully respect, don't misunderstand me.


The Shadow of the Wind

Tags: Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Under his forming hands a creature grew,
Man-like, but different sex; so lovely fair
That what seemed fair in all the world, seemed now
Mean, or in her summed up, in her contained,
And in her looks; which from that time infus'd
Sweetness into my heart, unfelt before,
And into all things from her air inspir'd
The spirit of love and amorous delight.
She disappear'd, and left me dark; I wak'd
To find her, or for her ever to deplore
Her loss, and other pleasures abjure:
When out of hope, behold her, not far off,
Such as I saw her in my dream, adorn'd
With what all Earth or Heaven could bestow
To make her amiable: On she came,
Led by her Heavenly Maker, though unseen,
And guided by his voice; nor uninform'd
Of nuptial sanctity, and marriage rites:
Grace was in her steps, heaven in her eye,
In every gesture dignity and love.


Paradise Lost

Tags: John Milton

Only a numskull is pleased at being a so-called "success" with women, only a dunderhead is puffed up by it. A real man is much more likely to be dismayed at realizing that a woman has lost her heart to him when he can't reciprocate her feelings.


Beware of Pity

Tags: Stefan Zweig

Take my advice. Make love to every pretty woman you meet. And remember, if you get 5 per cent on your outlay it's a good return.


diary, May 24, 1904

Tags: Arnold Bennett

Marriage is a bribe to make a housekeeper think she's a householder.


The Matchmaker

Tags: Thornton Wilder

I don't think a woman should be in any government job whatever. I mean, I really don't. The reason why I do is mainly because they are erratic. And emotional.


conversation with John Mitchell, Slate, October 11, 2001

Tags: Richard Nixon

Most women, I think, though they may complain a little about this, would agree that meeting the needs of others is not a real burden; it is what makes life worth living. It is probably the deepest satisfaction a woman has.


You Learn by Living

Let woman be a plaything, pure and fine, like a precious stone, illumined with the virtues of a world not yet come.


Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Woman is prone by nature to jealousy, and brooks not a rival in the nuptial bed.


attributed, Day's Collacon

Tags: Euripides

My further advice on your relations to women is based upon that other motto of chivalry, "Serve all, love one."


The Lily of the Valley

Of all things upon earth that bleed and grow,
A herb most bruised is woman.



Tags: Euripides

Nobody knows much about women, not even Freud, not even women themselves. But it's like electricity: you don't have to know how it works to get a shock on the fingers.


The Shadow of the Wind

Tags: Carlos Ruiz Zafon