quotations about trees

The trees are birds, beasts and man
striving interspecies
between animal and moss.
Like the cursed sexes
seeking union if they can,
they lift up: send love through space:
and, standing, move and speak.
They know no loss.


"Tropic Trees", Don't Tell Me Trees Don't Talk and Other Poems

For me, trees have always been the most penetrating preachers. I revere them when they live in tribes and families, in forests and groves. And even more I revere them when they stand alone.


Bäume: Betrachtungen und Gedichte

The tree's green complexion fades inauspiciously, like aging paint -- its once thick pyramidal beauty a shallow shell of itself. It is translucent from its base, up to past halfway. Thin is the circumference of her branches. Like cowlicks and thinning hair that reveal a balding man's scalp, they show to the bark. The top still shimmers. It shows no signs of the disease slowly -- steadily -- creeping up from below.


"A dying tree that's still rich in memories", Chicago Sun Times, April 28, 2017

What can be more beautiful than the trees? Their lofty trunks, august in their simplicity, asserting, to the most inexperienced eye, their infinite superiority over the imitative pillars of man's pride.


"The Beauty of Trees", Lessons in Modern Farming, Or, Agriculture for Schools

The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.


John of the Mountains: The Unpublished Journals of John Muir

Even though there is little nutrition or energy in wood, there is some -- and there are plenty of organisms that will try and use it. But trees are not defenceless, and can fight back with physical barriers or even chemical warfare. When one tree is attacked by these destructive forces, individuals may even signal to other trees to be aware and prepare their own defences to fight off death and decay.


"Where the old things are: Australia's most ancient trees", Phys Org, April 18, 2017

As the twig is bent the tree is inclined.


"The Fable of the Kid Who Shifted His Ideal", Fables in Slang

Tags: George Ade

The place is all awave with trees,
Limes, myrtles, purple-beaded,
Acacias having drunk the lees
Of the night-dew, faint headed,
And wan, grey olive-woods, which seem
The fittest foliage for a dream.


An Island

Tags: Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Two Trees
A portion of your soul has been
entwined with mine
A gentle kind of togetherness, while
separately we stand.
As two trees deeply rooted in
separate plots of ground,
While their topmost branches
come together,
Forming a miracle of lace
against the heavens


The Power of a Woman

You are a poet, sycamore,
A minor poet.
You are not much good in a practical world;
You shed your ragged leaves early, and clutter up the landscape.
But you are lovely on winter evenings
Against the afterglow--
Bare and pale and a little disdainful,
But yourself.


"Temperate Tribute", Burning Bush

Tags: Karle Wilson Baker

A tree stands in the seasons of time. Between generations. Basks in the reverberations of life and death. Withstands the storms from which we shelter. This tree did not bend. Or break. Or sway. Trees touch the sky while simultaneously rooted in earth. Remind us by their mere presence of their worth. Kiss our eyes with breathless simplicity. Become rooted in our lives as they silently inch taller and we grow older.


"A dying tree that's still rich in memories", Chicago Sun Times, April 28, 2017

When great trees fall,
rocks on distant hills shudder,
lions hunker down
in tall grasses,
and even elephants
lumber after safety.


"When Great Trees Fall"

Tags: Maya Angelou

I think that I shall never see
A billboard lovely as a tree.
Perhaps, unless the billboards fall,
I'll never see a tree at all.


Song of the Open Road

Tags: Ogden Nash