quotations about teenagers

Teenagers quote

Real teenage boys aren't like characters in the books you read. They smell funny and are obsessed with video games and say dumb things. They're still learning, just like you.


Juliet Immortal

Buddhism teaches that suffering is inevitable, but that suffering, like everything else in this crazy life, is impermanent. Things suck, but not forever. Buddha must have had a teenage daughter.


"This too shall pass, I hope", Winchester Sun, June 12, 2017

We need to understand and accept that our teenagers are on an emotional roller coaster. Just as toddlers regularly fall down and we encourage them to get back up again, so will our teenagers fall into the depths of despair and need to be encouraged to pull themselves together and keep going. We need to find a way to help them make the shift from being caught up in their emotional dramas to figuring out what they're going to do about them.


introduction, Teenagers Learn what They Live: Parenting to Inspire Integrity & Independence

Jealousy plays a huge role in the teenage years. If you don't have a "thigh gap" you're considered fat. If you don't get straight A's, you're an idiot. Constantly trying to live up to the movies. Trying to find a dreamy guy with the best body, dreamy face, most sincere personality and vice versa. Simply living life the wrong way.


"What It's Like To Be A Teenager Today", Huffington Post, May 24, 2017

We need to move past the stereotype that teenagers are a menace: most teens are great kids and they are just looking for some stimulation.


"School holiday hell: Out-of-control teens turn shopping centres into war zones", Daily Telegraph, April 21, 2017

I have always had a sense that we are all pretty much alone in life, particularly in adolescence.


attributed, The Ultimate Book of Quotations

A teenager is a whiz who can operate the latest computer without a lesson but can't make a bed.


Twitter post, January 24, 2011

A teenager is someone who is well prepared for a zombie attack but not ready for tomorrow's math test.


A teenager is a connoisseur of two kinds of music: Loud and Very Loud.


Twitter post, June 24, 2011

Teenagers are in the grip of their own Acquired Self created by society through TV, internet, magazines and video games. Their Acquired Self is taught to disobey, rebel and not follow rules under the illusion of independence and freedom. Meanwhile, Society's collective Acquired Self tells your Acquired Self to discipline your teenagers with rules. At the same time, it tells teenagers to rebel against the rules. Interesting, isn't it? Society's collective Acquired Self plays the trick of Divide and Conquer. In this way, it escapes its own detection and continues to thrive in you and your child. Ironically, neither of you sees the tricks of Society's collective Acquired Self. Your Acquired Self and your teenager's Acquired Self continue to tangle with each other, leading to frustrations, disappointments and anger.


Stress Management for Teenagers, Parents and Teachers

Teenagers are exquisitely sensitive to the social norms of their peers. If they see cool older teenagers scooping ice cream during their freshman summer, they'll really look forward to a job scooping ice cream during their sophomore summer. But any social feedback loop can spin both ways.


"Teenagers Have Stopped Getting Summer Jobs--Why?", The Atlantic, June 9, 2017

Adolescents are not monsters. They are just people trying to learn how to make it among the adults in the world, who are probably not so sure themselves.


attributed, The Ultimate Book of Quotations

A monster. You and your friends, all of you. Pretty monsters. It's a stage all girls go through. If you're lucky you get through it without doing any permanent damage to yourself or anyone else.


Pretty Monsters

Tags: Kelly Link

Like nearly everyone, teenagers behave as society expects them to behave.


"Top 10 myths about teenagers", The Guardian, September 28, 2014

The beginning of wisdom, as they say. When you're seventeen you know everything. When you're twenty-seven if you still know everything you're still seventeen.


Dandelion Wine

Tags: Ray Bradbury

People think teenagers are idiots because when they were our age they didn't have the resources we have.


"Direct provision is hell and nobody does anything about it", The Irish Times, June 12, 2017

Like its politicians and its wars, society has the teenagers it deserves.


attributed, Think, vol. 36, 1970

Sadly, American teenagers are to a weightless vacuum as seat cushions are to polyurethane foam.


Special Topics in Calamity Physics

One of the reasons the teenage years are so agonizing is that in most societies, particularly ours, the adolescent is emotionally neither fish nor fowl.


Our Wish to Kill: The Murder in All Our Hearts

In general, teenagers today are way better people than we were at their age. I grew up in the 70s and 80s, affectionately known as the John Hughes movie years. Without the advances of holding a computer in our hands at all time, our world was small, as small as our town, as small as the importance of your Sixteen Candles version of Jake Ryan liking you, or dealing with that d-bag popular kid Steff from Pretty in Pink. Sure we had problems, but nothing an all-day Breakfast Club detention couldn't fix. And our biggest contribution to helping humanity was buying the single of "We are the World," and, even then, most of us taped it off the radio.


"The Beautiful Maddening Contradiction of Teenagers", Huffington Post, January 31, 2017