quotations about society

At present society is composed, not so much of men and women, as of the raw material of men and women, which it will be the office of a higher civilization to work up into the forms of a truer manhood and womanhood.


Intuitions and Summaries of Thought

No social stability without individual stability.


Brave New World

Tags: Aldous Huxley

Society is addicted to growth, and that's having terrible consequences for the planet and, increasingly, for us as well. We have to change our collective and individual behavior and give up something we depend on--power over our environment. We must restrain ourselves, like an alcoholic foreswearing booze. That requires honesty and soul-searching.


"Systemic Change Driven by Moral Awakening Is Our Only Hope", EcoWatch, August 14, 2017

That millions of people share the same forms of mental pathology does not make these people sane.


The Sane Society

Tags: Erich Fromm

In society men protect themselves by protecting one another.


attributed, Day's Collacon

Society is indeed a contract. Subordinate contracts for objects of mere occasional interest may be dissolved at pleasure -- but the state ought not to be considered as nothing better than a partnership agreement in a trade of pepper and coffee, calico or tobacco, or some other such low concern, to be taken up for a little temporary interest, and to be dissolved by the fancy of the parties. It is to be looked on with other reverence; because it is not a partnership in things subservient only to the gross animal existence of a temporary and perishable nature. It is a partnership in all science; a partnership in all art; a partnership in every virtue, and in all perfection. As the ends of such a partnership cannot be obtained in many generations, it becomes a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are to be born.


Reflections on the Revolution in France

Tags: Edmund Burke

Society is the only field where the sexes have ever met on terms of equality, the arena where character is formed and studied, the cradle and the realm of public opinion, the crucible of ideas, the world's university, at once a school and a theatre, the spur and the crown of ambition, and the tribunal which unmasks pretension and stamps real merit.


Fraternity Lecture, October 4, 1859

Tags: Wendell Phillips

Were it not for some small remainders of piety and virtue which are yet left scattered among mankind, human society would in a short space disband and run into confusion, and the earth would grow wild and become a forest.


"The Advantages of Religion to Societies", The Works of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson

Tags: John Tillotson

Man seeketh in society comfort, use, and protection.


Advancement of Learning

Tags: Francis Bacon

Society is a chain of obligations, and its links must support each other;
The branch cannot but wither, that is cut from the parent vine.


Proverbial Philosophy

Tags: Martin Farquhar Tupper

No entrance without any exit, no possible society without a spacious graveyard.


The Principle of Hope

Justice is the great end of civil society.


speech, March 1885

Tags: David Dudley Field

Society ... is nothing more than the war of a thousand petty opposed interests, an eternal strife of all the vanities, which, turn in turn wounded and humiliated one by the other, intercross, come into collision, and on the morrow expiate the triumph of the eve in the bitterness of defeat. To live alone, to remain unjostled in this miserable struggle, where for a moment one draws the eyes of the spectators, to be crushed a moment later -- this is what is called being a nonentity, having no existence. Poor humanity!


The Cynic's Breviary

The truth is that a vast restructuring of our society is needed if remedies are to become available to the average person. Without that restructuring the good will that holds society together will be slowly dissipated. It is that sense of futility which permeates the present series of protests and dissents. Where there is a persistent sense of futility, there is violence; and that is where we are today.


Points of Rebellion

I am now quite cured of seeking pleasure in society, be it country or town. A sensible man ought to find sufficient company in himself.


Wuthering Heights

Tags: Emily Brontë

It may be that our society is only passing through a period of ugly transition, but the present evil has its root deep down in the social organization, and springs from a diseased public opinion.


"A Chapter of Erie", North American Review, July 1869

Tags: Charles Francis Adams, Sr.

Man must have some recognized stake in society and affairs to knit him lovingly to his kind, or he is wont to revenge himself for wrongs real or imagined.


Table Talk

Tags: Amos Bronson Alcott

We are all civilized people, which means that we are all savages at heart but observing a few amenities of civilized behavior.


foreword, Sweet Bird of Youth

Tags: Tennessee Williams

Put me to sleep or take me away
I don't want to be a part of this sick society



Society is divided into two classes--the shearers and the shorn; we should always be with the former against the latter.


attributed, Day's Collacon