quotations about sex education

Sex education is not only about having sex, but it is also important to look at the health and reproductive system, and protecting the body from infections.


"A sanctuary for single mothers", Frontier Myanmar, September 1, 2017

Sex education, including its spiritual aspects, should be part of a broad health and moral education from kindergarten through grade twelve, ideally carried out harmoniously by parents and teachers.


Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care

Giving a condom to a teen is just like saying, "Well if you insist on killing yourself by jumping off the bridge, at least wear these elbow pads."


abstinence-only curricula used in public schools in Texas and Florida, Just Say Don't Know, February 2009

Let me give you some advice here: People who want to have the sex talk with you will act the same way as people who want to murder you. First they get you in their car, so they're in control and you can't escape. Then they drive you someplace in the middle of nowhere.


The Boy Recession

Children need to learn about sex in school
You think they don't do it?
Don't get fooled
Parents don't turn your back on the pack
Teachers want to teach but the law says whack
Don't let your kid get caught
Without a jimmy hat



Young people are going to learn about sex and our question has to be where do we want them to learn? From the media? From their friends? Or do we want them to learn from an educated, responsible adult?


attributed, "Carnal Knowledge: The Sex Ed Debate"

The best sex education for kids is when Daddy pats Mommy on the fanny when he comes home from work.


NBC TV, August 16, 1971

Tags: William H. Masters

Most children just take Sex Education class as a big joke, with girls looking embarrassed and boys jeering at sexual innuendos. I mean can we grow up and talk about sex like it is a normal thing and crush all that taboo attached to it?


"7 confessions on Reddit that show us why sex education is important", inUth, August 24, 2017

Our schools teach only the most basic principles of human reproduction: naming and identifying the sexual organs and a simple explanation of how the sperm fertilizes the ovum. If mathematics was taught in the same cursory manner as human sexuality, when children learned to count they would be considered masters of the subject.


Openly Bob

Parents aren't sex education experts just because they are parents.


Ten Talks Parents Must Have With Their Children

Tags: Pepper Schwartz

I flip ahead in the textbook. There's an interesting chapter about acid rain. Nothing about sex. We aren't scheduled to learn about that until eleventh grade.



Since most parents are reluctant to talk about sex, schools have tried to fill the gap. In America, when we decide to ignore a subject, our favorite form of denial is to teach it incompetently. Familiarity without true understanding is not only the basis of our families but of our educational system as well. When it comes to sex, Americans have been reluctant to spell it out since the time of The Scarlet Letter.


Openly Bob

Baby let's close the door
I'm 'bout to teach you this sex education
Since you passed every course
Hats off to your graduation



For the love of children and their future happiness as adults, do not shame their sexuality! Do not demonize having sex, which was exactly part of how they came to exist! Show them that sex can lead to having babies, but it also can be pleasurable for the sake of being pleasurable, that it can be a bonding experience between partners (of any gender), that it can feel good and also bring up confusing emotions, and most of all that it is OK to have it if and when they are ready. Then, one day, we may see a generation of adults who know what they want from sex and how to get it--consensually, married or unmarried, and with protection.


"Sex Isn't Sinful, It's Natural--and We Should Teach Kids That", Self, August 24, 2017

Sex education may be a good idea in the schools, but I don't believe the kids should be given homework.


The Joplin Globe, April 7, 2007

Tags: Bill Cosby

Ah, back to school season--a time for sex educators to imbue an influx of kids with the same old "no sex until marriage" bulls***.


"Abstinence-only sex education is still being taught in schools", The Daily Dot, August 31, 2017

I think sex education should include enhancing a girl's sexual self-image and self-esteem, and give her the tools to say "no", and ultimately "yes", when the time is right.


Book World live discussion, February 13, 2007

Tags: Anita H. Clayton

You cannot have sex education without saying that sex is natural and that most people find it pleasurable.


"Our Children Are Treated Like Idiots", Psychology Today, July 1981

Tags: Bruno Bettelheim

I spent a semester in Paris with an exchange program in high school. The family I stayed with had a little apartment that their two daughters would go to on the weekends when they went out dancing. They had a huge bowl of condoms on the table in this studio apartment. I was dumbfounded. Although I had progressive parents who had conversations with me, they never left a big bowl of condoms on the kitchen table at my house. That showed me at a very young age that sex education is dealt with very differently in different cultures and contexts.


"A Planned Parenthood Exec Shares the Surprising Way Her Religious Parents Taught Her About Sex", Self, September 6, 2017

I've got to bring out the big ammunition on sex education. The bra and girdle section of Sears just isn't doing it.


Just Wait Till You Have Children of Your Own!

Tags: Erma Bombeck