quotations about Republicans

Empathy is a foreign country to Republicans.


user comment, "Jesus Reads Quotes From Republican Candidates On 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'", Huffington Post, February 4, 2016

A new survey has Rick Perry ahead of Mitt Romney by 11 points, and Michele Bachmann is five points behind him. I think it's going to come down to who wears the most flag pins.


Jimmy Kimmel Live!, August 17, 2011

Tags: Jimmy Kimmel

The Republicans ... are having a hard time getting their members to act as a unit instead of like a bunch of six-year-olds playing anarchist soccer; three teams, two goals, you decide.


The Rachel Maddow Show, February 16, 2011

Tags: Rachel Maddow

Republicans don't like people to talk about depressions. You can hardly blame them for that. You remember the old saying: Don't talk about rope in the house where somebody has been hanged.


Harry S. Truman: Containing the Public Messages, Speeches, and Statements of the President, 1945-53

Tags: Harry S. Truman

The Republicans appear to have a very clear plan for America. They articulated it throughout the convention. No. 1, jail your political opponent. No. 2, inject Rudy Giuliani with a speedball and a Red Bull enema. And then No. 3, spend the rest of the time scaring the holy bejesus out of everybody.


comments following the Republican National Convention, The Late Show, July 21, 2016

Tags: Jon Stewart

In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for. As for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.


A Mencken Chrestomathy

Tags: H. L. Mencken

If the Republican Party shall fail to carry out this purpose, God will raise up another party that will be faithful.


The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass: Reconstruction and After

Tags: Frederick Douglass

We had a choice between Democrats who couldn't learn from the past and Republicans who couldn't stop living in it.


Parliament of Whores

The Republicans always looked bad three years out of four. But the year they look good is election year. A voter don't expect much. If you give him one good year he is satisfied.


Never Met a Man I Didn't Like

Tags: Will Rogers

Politically, Republicans and Democrats are at opposite ends. One's a burp and the other's a fart.


If you bring the booze and food, I'll bring the thirst and hunger

I see the signs of the approaching triumph of the Republicans in the bearing of their political adversaries. A great deal of their war with us nowadays is mere bushwhacking.


speech at New Haven, Connecticut, March 6, 1860

Tags: Abraham Lincoln

I was always raised to think that Republicans were about limited government, about individual liberty, about fiscal responsibility, about balanced budgets, about a wariness of military adventures abroad, about responsible encouragement to business. There's a whole list of things I thought the Republican Party was all about, and these guys that presently occupy the White House, are categorically against every single one of those things. So if they're Republicans, I'm not.


"John Perry Barlow: Wyoming's Estimated Prophet", Planet J. H. Weekly, July 28, 2005

The Republicans, with their crazed Reagan fixation, are a last-gasp party, living posthumously, fighting battles on sex, race, immigration and public education long ago won by the other side. They're trying to roll back the clock, but time is passing them by.


"Ghastly Outdated Party", New York Times, February 25, 2012

Tags: Maureen Dowd

It's not easy to be a young, black Republican. Friends and family often give them the side eye, and some people who don't know them at all consider them to be 'traitors'. They also don't have the same access to a tightly interwoven network of professional contacts and connections as their counterparts in the Democratic Party, which the vast majority of African-American elected officials is affiliated. So, what's the attraction? For many it's a combination of history and good old-fashioned conservative values. The GOP, they argue, is the party that emancipated blacks from slavery, gave them the right to vote and provided other opportunities toward independence.


"The Loneliness of the Black Republican: What Attracts young African-Americans to the GOP?", BET, December 10, 2013

The Republicans' health care plan consists of "Just say 'no' to sickness."


attributed, The Snark Handbook: Politics and Government Edition

Democrats legislate; Republicans investigate.


attributed, Living History

Tags: Lyndon B. Johnson

This gallant old party, this gallant old ship.


Republican: A Monthly Magazine, 1873

Latinos for Republicans -- it's like roaches for Raid.


attributed, The Snark Handbook: Politics and Government Edition

It's simple, really: If you want more bombing, more killing, more war, more torture, more police, more walls and lower taxes on corporations ... vote Republican in November.


"The Republicans Are Scaring Me Again", Huffington Post, February 7, 2016

Republicans ... are conservatives who think it would be best if we faced the fact that people are no damned good. They think that if we admit that we have selfish, acquisitive natures and then set out to get all we can for ourselves by working hard for it, that things will be better for everyone. They are not insensitive to the poor, but tend to think the poor are impoverished because they won't work. They think there would be fewer of them to feel sorry for if the government did not encourage the proliferation of the least fit among us with welfare programs.


And More by Andy Rooney

Tags: Andy Rooney