quotations about marriage

When the hour of adversity arrives, when false friends are scattered, when we are moving through the keen atmosphere of selfishness, then it is that the virtuous wife, like an angel of light, shines with peculiar lustre.



Tags: William Scott Downey

The secret to a long and healthy marriage is to work at it and don't try and change each other.


interview with James Marshall, September 16, 2007

Tags: Jack LaLanne

The appropriate age for marriage is around eighteen for girls and thirty-seven for men.



Tags: Aristotle

Our parents' marriage makes a huge impact on our own marriage. Our parents teach us what relationships are and give us scripts for the way we understand love. What's more, we are drawn to the familiar. This is why people who resemble our parents feel like home and, in effect, why many of us marry someone like our opposite-sex parent. While this seems like great news for those of us who grew up with positive experiences of love, it might be a little disheartening for those who didn't.


"Why I Stopped Comparing My Marriage to My Parents' Marriage", Verily Mag, November 30, 2017

Marriage is not something that can be accomplished all at once; it has to be constantly reaccomplished. A couple must never indulge in idle tranquility with the remark: "The game is won; let's relax." The game is never won. The chances of life are such that anything is possible. Remember what the dangers are for both sexes in middle age. A successful marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day.


An Art of Living

Tags: André Maurois

Without sounding pessimistic, I learned that I don't believe in marriage. I believe in a commitment that you make in your heart. There's no paper that will make you stay.


Glamour Magazine, February 2011

What are the legitimate objects of marriage? We know that many people seek to marry for ends that can scarcely be called legitimate, that men may marry to obtain a cheap domestic drudge or nurse, and that women may marry to be kept when they are tired of keeping themselves. These objects in marriage may or may not be moral, but in any case they are scarcely its legitimate ends. We are here concerned to ascertain those ends of marriage which are legitimate when we take the highest ground as moral and civilised men and women living in an advanced state of society and seeking, if we can, to advance that state of society still further.


"The Objects of Marriage", Little Essays of Love and Virtue

Tags: Havelock Ellis

Until we have a natural, that is, a conscientious world, it cannot be known by experience what natural law will do for the gratification of a supreme affection; but, if you will give me that world, there will be in it very few not called to marriage, provided society allows proper opportunities for acquaintance between marriageable persons.


Marriage: With Preludes on Current Events

Tags: Joseph Cook

The secret to a good marriage, as far as I am concerned, is a joke I make: Keep the fights clean and the sex dirty.


Good Housekeeping, April 2009

Tags: Michael J. Fox

The key to a successful marriage is accepting that you're not going to change the other person. And the words "Yes, dear. Whatever you want."


Good Housekeeping, July 2011

Tags: Patrick Dempsey

The expectations you bring to your partnership can make or break your marriage. Don't miss out on the sterling moments of marriage because your ideals are out of sync with your partner's. Don't believe the myth that you and your partner automatically come with the same expectations for marriage. Instead, remember that the more openly you discuss your differing expectations, the more likely you are to create a vision of marriage that you agree on--and that is unique to the two of you.


Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts

Tags: Leslie L. Parrott

Marriage, to women as to men, must be a luxury, not a necessity; an incident of life, not all of it. And the only possible way to accomplish this great change is to accord to women equal power in the making, shaping and controlling of the circumstances of life.


speech, spring 1875

Tags: Susan B. Anthony

Before marriage a woman may procure some éclat by pretending to believe in the fiction of her ascendancy; but after marriage, the worshipped beauty becomes a very plain every-day sort of person, and the poetry of the sex's power is at an end for ever!


Marriage: A Comedy in Five Acts

Tags: Robert Bell

The concerts you enjoy together
Neighbors you annoy together
Children you destroy together
That make a marriage a joy.



Tags: Stephen Sondheim

Marriage, it seems, confines every man to his proper rank.


"Of Personal Merit", Les Caractères

Tags: Jean de La Bruyère

Marriage is for woman the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution.


Marriage and Morals

Marriage is a land mine. A really intimate land mine. Adultery to kitchen fires. Never a dull [moment].


Blue Smoke

Tags: Nora Roberts

I never was attached to that great sect,
Whose doctrine is, that each one should select
Out of the crowd a mistress or a friend,
And all the rest, though fair and wise, commend
To cold oblivion, though it is in the code
Of modern morals, and the beaten road
Which those poor slaves with weary footsteps tread,
Who travel to their home among the dead
By the broad highway of the world, and so
With one chained friend -- perhaps a jealous foe,
The dreariest and the longest journey go.



Tags: Percy Bysshe Shelley

I have known many happy marriages, but never a compatible one. The whole aim of marriage is to fight through and survive the instant when incompatibility becomes unquestionable. For a man and a woman, as such, are incompatible.


What's Wrong with the World

Tags: G. K. Chesterton

Husband and wife are like the two equal parts of a soybean. If the two parts are put under the earth separately, they will not grow. The soybean will grow only when the parts are covered by the skin. Marriage is the skin which covers each of them and makes them one.


attributed, Sunbeams: A Book of Quotations

Tags: Baba Hari Dass