author & speaker

In our culture, love is romanticized as a mystifying, random whirl of passion that happens to a person. Falling in love is thought to be the culmination of love. Yet, love is only meaningful and lasting when a person chooses to love responsibly and welcomes the opportunity to allow love to grow and deepen with time.


Affirmations for the Inner Child

The blame game was a favorite pastime in my addicted family. Mistakes were immediately followed by emotional exchanges over who was at fault. I often was blamed, and I learned to blame others just as readily. In my adult life, the blame game has become an obsession. Sometimes I blame others and then am consumed with anger and bitterness. Or I take the blame and am swept up in a cycle of guilt and shame. Both responses divert energy from solving the problem and getting on with life.


Affirmations for the Inner Child

Tags: blame

Today I will love myself by genuinely caring for my own well-being. I will choose to love those people who deserve my love and respect its strength and power.


Affirmations for the Inner Child

Tags: love

Happiness may be powerfully exuberant or softly joyful. Happiness may be as light and frivolous as a bubble.


Affirmations for the Inner Child

Tags: happiness

One day it will become exceedingly clear what the best course of action is for you. This truth will be so unmistakable that a sense of peace will pervade you. The voices in your head that have been driving you mad will give way to a deep and profound knowing. But just like expecting beautiful flowers to grow in a garden filled with pernicious weeds, it's important to clear the way for our wisdom to emerge.


The Object of My Affection Is in My Reflection: Coping with Narcissists

Inner liberation stems from the ability to face life's challenges without drama, escape, or avoidance. The way to begin this path is by confronting our darkest truths and accepting our reality. Only then can we unshackle ourselves.


The Object of My Affection Is in My Reflection: Coping with Narcissists

I am not a victim. I am alive, wide awake and free from the numbness of apathy.


Daily Affirmations

Tags: apathy

Today I will let go of the need to judge others. I no longer need others to be wrong just to build my own self-worth. I will loosen my rigid perceptions of people, knowing that they have the right to be who they are. Like me, they are doing the best they can.


Affirmations for the Inner Child

Please remember that your life is in your hands; your power and your future are waiting for you to direct them. Only you can stop being victimized and start thriving in your life.


The Object of My Affection Is in My Reflection: Coping with Narcissists

Tags: life