quotations about God

I now conceive of God as in his universe. I conceive of creation as a growth. I conceive of him as making the universe somewhat as our spirit makes our body, shaping and changing and developing it by processes from within. The figures from the finite to the infinite are imperfect and misleading, but this is the figure which best represents to me my own thought of God's relation to the universe: Not that of an engineer who said one morning, " Go to, I will make a world," and in six days, or six thousand years, or six million thousand years, made one by forming it from without, as a potter forms the clay with skilful hand; but that of a Spirit who has been forever manifesting himself in the works of creation and beneficence in all the universe, one little work of whose wisdom and beneficence we are and we see. He who would see God must use the faculty with which God is seen; and if he would do this, he must let men who are rich in the faculty which perceives the invisible, -- which looks not at the things which are seen and are temporal, but at the things which are not seen and are eternal, -- guide, teach, inspire him.


Seeking After God

Tags: Lyman Abbott

I have, I think, somewhat of an odd version of God. I do not have an intervening Go I appreciate other people's prayers for that [a cure for her cancer], but I believe that we are given a set of guidelines, and that we are obligated to live our lives with a view to those guidelines. And I don't believe that we should live our lives that way for some promise of eternal life, but because that's what's right. We should do those things because that's what's right.


attributed, Politics Daily, Dec. 8, 2010

God is the place of spirits, as spaces are the places of bodies.


"An Examination of P. Malebranche's Opinion of Seeing All Things in God", Philosophical Works

The genetic stage of a gene pool can be identified by the personality characteristics of the local God. Jehovah of Genesis is a low-level barbarian macho punk God. He boastfully claims to have created the heaven and the stars and the world, but provides no technical details or replicable blueprints. His preoccupations, whims, anxieties, jealousies, rules and hatred of women are primitive mammalian brain. His petty prides are primate.


Evolutionary Agents

The best notion we can conceive of God, may be, that he is to the creation what the soul is to the body.


Essays on Men and Manners

I don't believe in God, but I miss him.


Conversations with Julian Barnes

Tags: Julian Barnes

The true God is not a form idealized; he/she/it is real and therefore, by definition, imperfect; only an abstraction can be free of flaws. And since God is imperfect, there will be suffering.... There is no perfect God. And your suffering requires no more explanation than that unavoidable imperfection.


Calculating God

I have been in the Place of the Gods and seen it! Now slay me, if it is the law -- but still I know they were men.


By the Waters of Babylon

Tags: Stephen Vincent Benét

Nature only shows us the tail of the lion. I am convinced, however, that the lion is attached to it, even though he cannot reveal himself directly because of his enormous size.


The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein

All things in the natural world symbolize God, yet none of them speak of him but in broken and imperfect words. High above all he sits, sublimer than mountains, grander than storms, sweeter than blossoms and tender fruits, nobler than lords, truer than parents, more loving than lovers. His feet tread the lowest places of the earth; but his head is above all glory, and everywhere he is supreme.


Life Thoughts

God created man and He created the world for him to live in and I reckon He created the kind of world He would have wanted to live in if He had been a man--the ground to walk on, the big woods, the trees and the water, and the game to live in it. And maybe He didn't put the desire to hunt and kill game in man but I reckon He knew it was going to be there, that man was going to teach it to himself, since he wasn't quite God himself yet.


Go Down

Monotheism is the primitive religion which centers human consciousness on Hive Authority. There is One God and His Name is _______ (substitute Hive-Label). If there is only One God then there is no choice, no option, no selection of reality. There is only Submission or Heresy. The word Islam means "submission". The basic posture of Christianity is kneeling. Thy will be done.


The Intelligence Agents

Tags: Timothy Leary

I've never understood how God could expect his creatures to pick the one true religion by faith -- it strikes me as a sloppy way to run a universe.


Stranger in a Strange Land

Tags: Robert A. Heinlein

God's whole nature moves toward the man who wants to be free from sin, as broadly and irresistibly as the summer moves from the south toward the north.


Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit

I know that what you call 'God' really exists, but not in the form you think; God is primal cosmic energy, the love in your body, your integrity, and your perception of the nature in you and outside of you.



Cast all your cares on God; that anchor holds.


Enoch Arden

There exists no separation between gods and men; one blends softly casual into the other.


Dune Messiah

The God to whom depth in philosophy brings back men's minds is far from being the same from whom a little philosophy estranges them.


The Life of Reason

When men make gods, there is no God!


Lazarus Laughed

Tags: Eugene O'Neill

Though cares and sorrows e'er must come,
Though heart be rent,
I know that God will give me strength,
When mine is spent.


"The Peace That Passeth Understanding"