quotations about autumn

Autumn quote

The nights are becoming cooler and the early morning dews heavier, as well as some significant rain. These are all good signs that autumn is well and truly here. However you consider this changing of the season, it is a prompting to all vegetable gardeners that it is time to get your winter vegetables planted out before cooler temperatures arrive.


"Time to plant for winter veggies!", Wanganui Chronicle, March 29, 2016

Autumn is my season, Lord. I'll walk through the fallen leaves and think about what's ended in my life ... and what's beginning now, and in the life to come. Amen.


Autumn Wisdom: A Book of Readings

Tags: beginnings

Autumn is the time when fruits ripen on the trees and in a good year branches are laden with rosy apples, deep red and yellow crab apples and golden pears.


The Book of Fresh Flowers

Autumn is Nature's last party of the year. And dressing for the occasion, forests don their brightest attire, while the creatures follow suit with plush coats of fur. As the birds savor their final flights in the waning embers of light, Nature's children scamper about in search of manna for their winter pantries, pausing long enough to frolic in the heaps of newly fallen leaves.


"Autumn Suppers", Orange Coast Magazine, Oct. 1983

Tags: Nature

Autumn is arguably the most fashionable time of the year in London. Autumnal weather marks the return of dapperly dressed men, sexy trench coats, and knee high boots.


"14 reasons autumn is the best time of the year in London", Metro, September 20, 2015

There are those who shudder at the approach of Autumn, and who feel a light grief stealing over their spirits, like an October haze, as the evening shadows slant sooner, and longer, over the face of an ending August day. But is not Autumn the Manhood of the year? Is it not the ripest of the seasons? Do not proud flowers blossom -- the golden-rod, the orchis, the dahlia, and the bloody cardinal of the swamp-lands? The fruits too are golden, hanging heavy from the tasked trees. The fields of maize show weeping spindles, and broad rustling leaves, and ears half glowing with the crowded corn; the September wind whistles over their thick-set ranks with whispers of plenty. The staggering stalks of the buckwheat grow red with ripeness, and tip their tops with clustering tricornered kernels.



The beautiful feet of the summer,
So late by the woodland and rill,
With slow, lingering movement are going
Down the brown, southern slopes of the hills;
Her dreamy-eyed sister, the autumn,
Looks down at the summer-clad trees,
And, 'neath her cool breathing, a garment
Of brown is put on by the leaves.


"The Parting with Summer"

Tags: Mary T. Lathrap

Give me juicy autumnal fruit, ripe and red from the orchard.


"Give Me the Splendid Silent Sun"

Tags: Walt Whitman

Spring is beautiful, and summer is perfect for vacations, but autumn brings a longing to get away from the unreal things of life, out into the forest at night with a campfire and the rustling leaves.


"The Gypsy Spirit"

Tags: Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

Now winds are wild, and sere leaves fall;
A dying glory mantles all;
I sit and watch the tears of rain
Steal slowly down the window-pane.
The wailing of the Autumn blast
Stirs many a dead leaf of the Past
Within my soul; I seem to hear
The wan lips of the dying year,
Mournfully, oh, mournfully,
Chant a low, sad melody!


"In Memoriam"

Tags: Albert Laighton

The god, September, has paused for a moment here, garlanded with crimson leaves. He held a branch of fruited oak. He smiled like Hermes the beautiful cut in marble.


"Church Walk, Kensington"

Tags: Richard Aldington

Autumn, with its golden fruitage, waving fields, and gentle airs, its forests of variegated hue, its brown hillsides regally clothed in purple, and its still waters slumbering in the drowsy sunshine, is exceedingly beautiful.


"The Summer Time", Brother Jonathan, vol. 5

Tags: beauty

Autumn, that wild season when rural men rack orchard trees with sticks and weep with the desire to kiss faraway Demeter's supple breasts--to set lips to her travel-swollen eyes.


Rooftop Soliloquy

Autumn is full of new things: new schedules, new jobs, new schools, new assignments. It's no wonder why some of us experience heart palpitations trying to process it all.


"Autumn Anxiety Is Real, And Treatable", Huffington Post, September 28, 2015

Autumn is the Sabbath of the year; the time to think of all the past: nature's calm twilight before the darkness. It does make all men think at times; even the lightest and the worst. The distant days of our springtime, our faded summer, comes over us like a dream. We sit in the evening of our life in tender musings, and all that has been takes shadowy form again, and passes through the thoughts.


"The Sabbath of the Year"

Tags: past, thought

Remember that Brady Bunch episode where Marsha signs up for every activity possible, from scuba diving to cheerleading? Every autumn, many of us fight an inner Marsha who wants to volunteer our time to anyone who asks -- or doesn't. Something about the season screams: "Sign up! Sign up! This is your LAST chance to do something worthwhile with your life!" Next thing we know, we're the assistant coach for two rec leagues, spearheading fundraisers across town, and running ourselves ragged.


"Autumn Anxiety Is Real, And Treatable", Huffington Post, September 28, 2015

Those dreary autumn days make for great Instagram shots.


"14 reasons autumn is the best time of the year in London", Metro, September 20, 2015

In the season of white wild roses
We two went hand in hand:
But now in the ruddy autumn
Together already we stand.


A Song of Spring and Autumn

Tags: Francis Turner Palgrave

Autumn is leaving its mellowness behind for its spiky, rotted stage. Don't remember summer even saying goodbye.


Cloud Atlas

Tags: summer

The mellow autumn came, and with it came
The promised party, to enjoy its sweets.
The corn is cut, the manor full of game;
The pointer ranges, and the sportsman beats
In russet jacket;--lynx-like is his aim;
Full grows his bag, and wonderful his feats.
Ah, nutbrown partridges! Ah, brilliant pheasants!
And ah, ye poachers!--'Tis no sport for peasants.


Don Juan

Tags: Lord Byron